Sunday, August 7, 2011

Intex pool vacuum cleaner? Yes, Virginia, there are Intex pool vacuum cleaner!

!9# Intex pool vacuum cleaner? Yes, Virginia, there are Intex pool vacuum cleaner!

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Summer is great family fun time in the pool Intex Easy September, however, most owners know that Intex Intex swimming pool has provided designs are hideous. I hated the garden hose empty concept. Simply made no sense from the beginning. After vacuuming with the vacuum hose to the lower level might seem a bit 'too clean. I would like to turn the filter for a little 'and forget about it. After a few hours, I turn and look at the pool from the filter and I'm like, "what theDevil? "Would all this dirt on the floor of the pool. I was convinced that the garden hose water pressure break dirt into smaller particles invisible to attract and hold again for my pelvic floor would be hours later. After cleaning Intex pool twice in this way, I was completely exhausted.

Intex pool vacuum cleaner - Choices, choices, choices

About 4 years ago I started my online search for an alternative to the Intex pool included sucks. At that time I found this batterySwimming pool vacuum, called Aqua Broom. It was cheap and I decided to shoot it. Well, to my great surprise, was very effective. It would take leaves, pine needles and most stains. I was very happy with my small, inexpensive Aqua Broom. It was much better with the Intex pool vacuum equipment.

But all good things must end. My small, inexpensive Aqua Broom died at the beginning of the fifth year. Boo Hoo. Then it was time to buy another empty swimming pool.But, I thought, well, I'm sure now that has to be perfect a better vacuum in my pool uses Intex pool.

Well, once again I was researching online and Lord and behold, there were other Intex pool sucks. There was a selection of Intex pool sucks. Woo Hoo, because I love choice. After all the research, I opted for the pool Max Blaster for its ability to coarse dust of the company, their "stronger and more powerful engine (compared to his younger brother, catfish and his sister, the Aqua Broom)and, finally, for its well-developed body.

Intex pool vacuum - the ultimate choice

I can honestly say that the pool Blaster Aqua Broom Max as well as love. It glides very well along the pelvic floor and side walls. It does take pine needles, leaves and other debris, algae, sand and dirt. It 'came with two-micron filter that keeps the smaller particles inside the filter bag. To explain this further, I have never used micron Aqua Broom did not knowexisted. While it would be to gather and collect some of the dirt, some would escape back in the pool because the filter is not a scrim to accommodate the smaller particles. Here's a quick tip for you: Do not waste your money to replace the filter bags per micron you can easily buy a knee-high nylon stocking. So that's it, I just saved a few bucks.

The disadvantages of this vacuum cleaner Intex

Let's look at what they do not move through the pool like Blaster Max.Frankly, in my opinion, there are many disadvantages of it. However, not the only thing I really like the battery charge. I was in my small, inexpensive Aqua Broom worked five "D" batteries. It 'was nice and easy. The Pool Blaster Max has a rechargeable battery, which I thought was a good thing and I still think. However, it must be recharged up to 1 hour or less to obtain for 12 hours. I get two pool drawn from a single charge, but then Ilet dry and reconnect it to reload. Well, this is a big problem, but I'm a creature of habit, and liked to pack up and go routine that was used to. Because the Aqua broom, when the batteries are dead, I opened it, replace and continue to suck. But the greatest strength is my pool Blaster Max is much more powerful because of the higher battery voltage. So, as with most things in life, I had a bad thing with a good cause, balanced, and I take the most powerful engineintake because now spend less time and my pool is much cleaner.

Intex pool vacuum cleaner? Yes, Virginia, there are Intex pool vacuum cleaner!

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